Bipartisan members of Californian State Senate and Assembly joined Iranian American Community members at...
Sacramento, CA; March 22, 2018 – This week, bipartisan members of Californian State Senate and Assembly joined Iranian American Community members at the State...
California Convention
California Convention
Stand with the Iranian People Uprising for Freedom
Los Angeles Convention Center
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 2pm
Sponsored by:
California Society For Democracy in Iran
Iranian American...
Happy Nowruz
Join us to celebrate the
Persian New Year "Nowruz"
California State Capitol
10th & L Street Room 125
Sacramento CA, 95814
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 | 11:30 am...
Western blunders and the rise of ISIS Iran’s 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners: Call...
Mr. Straun Stevenson, MEP, represented Scotland in the European Parliament since 1999. He is well known in Europe for his in-depth knowledge and understanding...
UPDATED – UC Berkeley Event: Untold Story of the 1988 Massacre by the Iranian...
Tehran’s Nuclear Ambitions and the Abysmal Human Rights Conditions
Mrs. Sheila Neinavaie, a member of the Iranian American Community of Northern California was the first...
IACNC Sponsers Capitol Hill Conference: “Iran Rising for Freedom—U.S. Policy Prospects,”
Transcript of event
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On 17 March 2011, in a bi-partisan conference on Capitol Hill, titled, "Iran Rising for Freedom—U.S....