Mr. Straun Stevenson, MEP, represented Scotland in the European Parliament since 1999. He is well known in Europe for his in-depth knowledge and understanding of Middle East, and is particular Iran and Iraq politics. Mr. Stevenson has been President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq and President of the Friends of Free Iran Inter group, and is President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association.
Mr. Stevenson is the author of four books, including, Crying Forever— A Nuclear Diary (2006), Stalin’s Legacy—The Soviet War on Nature (2012), Self-Sacrifice—Life with the Iranian Mojahedin (2015)
Self-Sacrifice is part documentary and part a brief study of the Iranian Moajhedin. As the title suggests, it is a story of the unconditional self- sacrifice of the Mojahedin members to liberate their country from the clutches of the ruling religious dictatorship.
Mr. Stevenson will be leading a discussion on how and why the rise of ISIS is a by-product of wrong policies adapted by the West, and what is the most viable solution for dealing with ISIS and with the Islamic fundamentalism in general.
Discussions will also cover the International movement to take the case of Iran’s 1988 massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners to proper tribunals and being the perpetrators of this crime against humanity to justice.
October 15, 2016 – Time: 6:00-8:00 PM UC Berkeley – International House Ida/Robert Sproul Room
2299 Piedmont Avenue Berkeley, CA 94720
RSVP: info@iacnorcal.com(RSVPrequired) Email of call for additional information: 925-361-8279