Making a Bad Iran Deal Worse

By Lawrence J. Haas  The Obama administration is conceding one thing after another to Tehran, just to keep its nuclear deal afloat. We're witnessing a strange...

Iran regime is world record holder on execution of juveniles – NCRI

he mullahs' regime in Iran is the "world record holder" on execution of juveniles, Shahin Gobadi of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National...

New study calls Iran regime’s elections undemocratic

A new study of the Iranian regime's recent Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections published on Wednesday exposes the undemocratic nature of the ballot...

Iranian regime’s “moderates” and the nuke deal

Dr. Sadeghpour, political director of the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC-US) article: “I think we all share a simple, basic premise, which is that the...

UPDATED – UC Berkeley Event: Untold Story of the 1988 Massacre by the Iranian...

Tehran’s Nuclear Ambitions and the Abysmal Human Rights Conditions Mrs. Sheila Neinavaie, a member of the Iranian American Community of Northern California was the first...

Our August 29 2015 Event Announcement in The Daily Californian

Following announcemt was placed in The Daily Californian print edition during the week leading to our event.

The Great Debate: Executions come swiftly and often in Iran’s ‘justice’ system

Source: Reuters Blog By: Hamid Yazdan Panah, Attorney, writer and human rights activist from the San Francisco Bay Area. The nuclear deal between Iran, the...

Warning against the lives of political prisoners

NCRI - Since January 23, and a few hours before the execution of Jaafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai, the clerical regime has transferred...

Sacramento woman killed in Iraq U.S. News

SACRAMENTO, April 20 (UPI) -- A Sacramento woman documenting an Iranian democracy movement in Iraq was killed by Iraqi soldiers,...

Iran’s illusion of reform masks the crumbling of Khamenei’s regime

THE HILL     |     BY RAMESH SEPEHRRAD     |     July 14, 2024 The recent presidential election in Iran, marked by historically low voter turnout and pervasive...

Canada lists Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group

By Nadine Yousif     |      BBC News, Toronto     |     6/20/2024 Canada has listed Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation, after...

USCIRF Calls for Accountability for Iran’s Crimes Against Humanity

March 13, 2024 Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) urges the U.S. government to support a...

Iran: Institutional discrimination against women and girls enabled human rights violations and crimes against...

08 March 2024 GENEVA (8 March 2024) –The violent repression of peaceful protests and pervasive institutional discrimination against women and girls has led...

‘Iranian cyber army’ blamed as Wikipedia deletes atrocities

FIONA HAMILTON     |     THE TIMES     |     JANUARY 8, 2024 Wikipedia entries have been changed to downgrade Iranian human rights atrocities and other...

Iran Conducting Influence Operations in the Biden Administration

National Review     |     By DAVID ZIMMERMANN     |     November 14, 2023 Iran has been conducting covert influence operations for years in the U.S....